Advanced Retail, Digital & SME Banking Excellence 2025

The Evolution Of Traditional Banking Obstacles, Shifting Consumer Preferences And Increasing Competition Are Creating New Challenges For Banks. As Banks Brace for A new wave Of Digital Disruption, They Need to Adopt Technology to Improve
Customer Experience and Future-Proof Their Business Models. This Masterclass Will Help The Participants To Understand The Changing Face Of The Banking Industry And Be Prepared For The Challenges That Lie Ahead.

  • Examine the latest Digital Banking Trends from around the world, and the impact of Technology Innovations on Banking.
  • Learn the importance of Disruptive Technology in the race to provide value to end users and how competition from non-banks, start-ups & the “platformification” of Business and Digital is changing customer behaviors.
  • Review case studies from the Digital Banking Strategies of highly innovative banks from around the world.
  • Examine why working with FinTechs and startups is so important & how do banks & financial institutions respond to recent Innovations in the Banking sector.
  • Gain insights into how to shift Technology from ‘Banking Platform’ to ‘Strategic Partner’ with real world examples, lessons and case studies from banks from around the world.
  • Learn what new entrants from non-banks are offering to customers and how FinTechs are transforming the customer experience in Banking.
  • Why lead indicators among Millennials, Segments & Remote Channels are the key to profitable growth in Digital channels.
  • How Innovation and Digital Banking has changed customer behavior in the absence of face-to-face interaction.
  • Why the ‘Art of the Possible’ enables banks to embrace Digital Transformation and Innovation.
  • Understand the reason why Banks are keen to embrace tools such as ‘Design Thinking’ and ‘Agile’ methods to re-imagine their role in the world of Digital Banking.
  • Get versed in why Design Thinking and methodology is so versatile and why it is embraced in many Innovative Banks.
  • Understand the benefits of developing an Action-oriented culture, and why an experimental approach leads to more outcomes and less documents.
  • How prototyping creates a bias towards action, with less talk and more ‘doing’ and in the process, becoming more productive with better insights.

However, If you want to improve your performance then you should be there!

  • Heads/Senior Professionals in Retail Banking
  • Heads/Senior Professionals in Mobile/Digital Banking
  • Heads of Business Units
  • Heads/Senior Professionals in Product Development/Strategy
  • Customer Experience and Transformation Professionals
  • Senior Professionals within Fintech Firms
  • IT and Data Analytics Professionals
  • Sales Professionals
Are we Future-Ready
Technology Innovations and Digital Banking trends. Building a Case for Innovation
Growth Through Innovation - The Tech
The New Game-Changing Digital Banking Strategy
Customer Centricity & Experience: The New Battle Ground
How Do Banks Remain Relevant?
Mobile Payments/Wallets
Data Analytics, Big Data & Artificial Intelligence
UI, UX & Designing Great Digital Experiences
People, Leadership & Change

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The Evolution Of Traditional Banking Obstacles, Shifting Consumer Preferences And Increasing Competition Are Creating New Challenges For Banks. As Banks Brace for A new wave Of Digital Disruption, They Need to Adopt Technology to Improve
Customer Experience and Future-Proof Their Business Models. This Masterclass Will Help The Participants To Understand The Changing Face Of The Banking Industry And Be Prepared For The Challenges That Lie Ahead.

  • Examine the latest Digital Banking Trends from around the world, and the impact of Technology Innovations on Banking.
  • Learn the importance of Disruptive Technology in the race to provide value to end users and how competition from non-banks, start-ups & the “platformification” of Business and Digital is changing customer behaviors.
  • Review case studies from the Digital Banking Strategies of highly innovative banks from around the world.
  • Examine why working with FinTechs and startups is so important & how do banks & financial institutions respond to recent Innovations in the Banking sector.
  • Gain insights into how to shift Technology from ‘Banking Platform’ to ‘Strategic Partner’ with real world examples, lessons and case studies from banks from around the world.
  • Learn what new entrants from non-banks are offering to customers and how FinTechs are transforming the customer experience in Banking.
  • Why lead indicators among Millennials, Segments & Remote Channels are the key to profitable growth in Digital channels.
  • How Innovation and Digital Banking has changed customer behavior in the absence of face-to-face interaction.
  • Why the ‘Art of the Possible’ enables banks to embrace Digital Transformation and Innovation.
  • Understand the reason why Banks are keen to embrace tools such as ‘Design Thinking’ and ‘Agile’ methods to re-imagine their role in the world of Digital Banking.
  • Get versed in why Design Thinking and methodology is so versatile and why it is embraced in many Innovative Banks.
  • Understand the benefits of developing an Action-oriented culture, and why an experimental approach leads to more outcomes and less documents.
  • How prototyping creates a bias towards action, with less talk and more ‘doing’ and in the process, becoming more productive with better insights.
Who Should Attend

However, If you want to improve your performance then you should be there!

  • Heads/Senior Professionals in Retail Banking
  • Heads/Senior Professionals in Mobile/Digital Banking
  • Heads of Business Units
  • Heads/Senior Professionals in Product Development/Strategy
  • Customer Experience and Transformation Professionals
  • Senior Professionals within Fintech Firms
  • IT and Data Analytics Professionals
  • Sales Professionals
Are we Future-Ready
Technology Innovations and Digital Banking trends. Building a Case for Innovation
Growth Through Innovation - The Tech
The New Game-Changing Digital Banking Strategy
Customer Centricity & Experience: The New Battle Ground
How Do Banks Remain Relevant?
Mobile Payments/Wallets
Data Analytics, Big Data & Artificial Intelligence
UI, UX & Designing Great Digital Experiences
People, Leadership & Change
Download Brouchure

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Are we Future-Ready
Technology Innovations and Digital Banking trends. Building a Case for Innovation
Growth Through Innovation - The Tech
The New Game-Changing Digital Banking Strategy
Customer Centricity & Experience: The New Battle Ground
How Do Banks Remain Relevant?
Mobile Payments/Wallets
Data Analytics, Big Data & Artificial Intelligence
UI, UX & Designing Great Digital Experiences
People, Leadership & Change

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Event Detail

November 4, 2024 9:00 am
November 11, 2024 5:00 pm