The management of the risks associated with Health, Safety and Environmental HSE, threats to a business is becoming increasingly complex and as part of any credible global business, needs to be managed by an Executive Team, supported by the Board of Directors in a consistent, systematic manner. Major accidents have also shown, that such events can result in consequences beyond what the management envisages, resulting in a situation that escalates beyond the capacity of the company to recover both financially and reputationally. The 2010 Deepwater well blow-out accident is an example, whereby the company, BP, had to deal with a significant financial
the penalty associated with the environmental impact as well as the personnel casualties and reputational damage.
During this 4-day course, participants will discover the real HSE challenges faced by the Executive Management team and their sub-ordinate managers and staff within a global business developing and operating high hazard facilities in the upstream, midstream and downstream oil, gas, petrochemicals and related business segments. In addition, the course is also relevant for other industries, where major accidents occur such as nuclear, power
generation, rail transport and civil aviation The course will describe world-class HSE management systems in place for both occupational and process safety hazards and the different aspects requiring control to ensure risks are controlled to As Low as Is Reasonably Practicable, ALARP through the people, processes and plant utilised in the business.